We would like to let our parents know that the USDA has issued waivers allowing children under 18 years old to receive meals at no cost through the Summer Food Service Program.
We will be participating in this program during the dates of Summer Learning Camp and will have lunches available for pick up on Monday through Thursday from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm starting on 6/14/21 and running through 7/15/2021. We will not serve meals on 7/5/21.
Under this program, every child in your home under the age of 18 can receive one breakfast and one lunch per day. We do ask that parents contact our cafeteria to reserve their meals. This is to ensure the proper amount of food is prepared. You may call 336-599-2823 ext. 248 and leave a message or you may email
[email protected] . Please reserve meals by 9:30 am daily. If your child is attending the Summer Learning Camp their breakfast and lunch will be provided during the day.