
Wellness Policy

Bethel Hill Charter School Wellness Policy

Wildcat Mascot

Bethel Hill Charter School is committed to providing an environment
that enhances the development of lifelong wellness practices.

Physical Activity

The school will provide a minimum of thirty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity for all students daily. Opportunities to participate in physical activity shall not be taken away as a means of punishment or remediation, nor shall severe and inappropriate exercise be used for a form of punishment.

Nutrition Education

Students will receive nutritional education. Nutrition education shall be integrated into health education or other subjects in order to teach students the skills necessary to adopt healthy eating behaviors.


Foods and beverages available on the school campus shall meet all applicable federal and state nutritional guidelines. The guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall not be less restrictive than those established by federal law. The School Health Advisory Council shall establish separate nutritional standards for those food or beverages for which there are no mandatory state or federal guidelines.

Communication with Parents

Bethel Hill Charter School will support parents' efforts to provide a healthy diet and daily physical activity for their children. Bethel Hill will encourage parents to pack healthy lunches and snacks.
Access to the school's Wellness Policy and its assessments, as well as the monthly school menu, will be provided on the school's website.


The principal or designee will ensure compliance with this policy. The principal or designee will report school compliance to the Board of Directors. Child nutrition staff will ensure compliance with nutrition policies within the food service area. The child nutrition director will report compliance to the principal annually.

The School Health Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Board and shall be comprised of, at a minimum, a school administrator, school food authority, parent or guardian, and the physical education teacher.

Policy Review

Assessments will be completed annually to review policy compliance, assess progress, and determine areas in need of improvement. As part of that review, the school will review nutrition and physical education policies and program elements and solicit input from parents and the community. The school will revise the wellness policy as necessary to ensure compliance and to meet the desired wellness outcomes for all students